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Thieves shoot man in Ibadan, ranaway with N1.7m

Two men suspected to be outfitted thieves on Wednesday assaulted a client of another age bank at Ajibade territory, along Mokola-Sango Road in Ibadan, the Oyo state capital.

The criminals took away the whole of N1.7m from the casualty.

The casualty who has been taken to one of the doctor's facilities in the territory by a group of portable policemen who later arrived the scene, was shot in the two legs by one of the men accepted to have followed him from Mokoka region to the bank where he intended to store the cash.

He was said to have boarded a business bike at Mokoka to Ajibade, an excursion of short of what one kilometer, after which he was greeted by the two men who additionally arrived in a bike.

The victim who is at present taking treatment said they approached him for the cash with a risk to shoot him on the off chance that he won't.

He was later shot in the legs during the time spent dealing with over the cash to the suspected criminals.

The victim while sharing his encounter in the hospital said "I thought they were men of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad; along these lines, I disclosed to them that I was not a theif and that I was setting off to the bank.

"In any case, one of them drew out a weapon and when I deferred in giving over the cash, he shot me on the two legs. Thus, I gave the cash to them," said the casualty.

Be that as it may, endeavors made by DAILY POST to get the response of the State Police summon demonstrated failed as of the season of filling this report

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