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50 percent of Okada riders in Lagos have gone into Farming – Communications Minister, Adebayo Shittu

Pastor of Communications, Barrister Abdulraheem Adebayo Shittu on Monday in Ibadan, the Oyo State capital pronounced that more than 50 percent of business motorcyclists, prevalently known as (Okada Riders) in Lagos State have backpedaled to their homesteads.

He said this was because of different advancements of the present government in agribusiness.

Shittu who made this assertion while talking with columnists amid the 50th Birthday festivity of a chieftain of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Oyo State, Engineer Oluwaseyi Makinde.

He expressed that they, (Okada riders) backpedaled to ranches in light of the fact that they have understood that cultivating was presently more productive than riding Okada.

Shittu while asking Nigerians to keep on supporting the legislature of President Muhammadu Buhari, likewise noticed that Nigerians voted in favor of him (Buhari) in light of the fact that he was the main Presidential applicant that could be trusted with the assets of the nation.

He said Buhari was the special case who was known to be without ravenousness and defilement and that was the reason Nigerians depended their nation to him.

He said however, there were a great deal of work to be done, Buhari has done well for the nation.

Shittu said "Before we give a message to the general population of Oyo State, we should express gratitude toward Almighty God for skewering our lives consistently, for us to be as yet alive,

"We ought to likewise keep on supporting the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari in light of the fact that Nigerians voted in favor of him since he is the main Presidential applicant that could be trusted with the assets of nation.

"He is the special case who was known to be without covetousness and debasement and that is the reason Nigerians depended their nation to him.

"I am certain that as an insider, the President has done to a great degree well and the lists are there in the zone of battling defilement, in the region of battling insurrection in the region of repearing the economy which has been driving on solid land by the past organization of iniquity.

"The work ahead is as yet gigantic, in light of the fact that when you have a decrepit structure, you require time to plan to remake and revamp. That is the thing that Buhari government needs. I am cheerful that a considerable measure of positive outcomes are being recorded especially in the region of farming and infrastructural improvement.

"In the territory of agribusiness, agriculturists now have for once begun building houses, purchasing vehicles, purchasing bikes et cetera.

"More than 50 percent of Okada riders in Lagos who are from the North have relinquished Okada and have backpedaled to their ranches. Since they are currently find that it is gainful to cultivate than to ride Okada.

"Again in the region of work, without precedent for this nation, we have an administration that utilized 200,000 Nigerians.

"Again by January, things being what they are, 300, 000 more are to be utilized under the N-Power program, furthermore, the School Feeding Program is dealing with around 25 million Nigerian kids with one feast a day.

"The impact of that will be that there will be numerous more requests for agric deliver of different types and there will be more requests of hands or cooks, cabbies who will help these individuals to the different schools on the regular schedule. Again, poor Nigerians are being paid 5,000 naira for each month, again, this has never happen, it is a type of Social Security.

"The Nigerian government is building a rail street, a modernize one, from Calabar to Lagos, another from Lagos to Kano, Lagos to Maiduguri, this is building standard measure railroad line. Once more, the East West Road, from Calabar to Lagos. These are things that legislature has been doing, you additionally realize that in the zone of battling debasement, a ton of cash beforehand stolen are being recouped.

"Amid the past government, the Boko Haram were in all out control of 14 nearby government territories spread crosswise over 3 states."

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