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Boko Haram: Terrorists execute 4 truck drivers, kidnap 3 others conveying sustenance for IDPs in Borno

A caravan providing trucks claimed to be of the UN World Food Program conveying IDP sustenances on their approach to Gamboru Ngala went under assault Saturday evening around Musuni town in northern Borno.

An educated source on Saturday, inside the helpful offices in Borno affirmed that, the trucks may have a place with the United Nations WFP.

He stated, in spite of the fact that the WFP coordinations office is yet to affirm if their trucks were assaulted, yet a flag has been sent from the military for the coordinations office to affirm whether trucks that went out to supply sustenance to IDPs in the northern Borno have achieved their goal.

As per our source, the vigorously furnished gathering of Boko Haram executes four drivers and took away three others together with one truck full with sustenance things for Ngala IDPs.

"The guerillas likewise consumed one truck as the officers escorting the trucks couldn't contain them," he said.

He likewise said that, exclusive UNWFP trucks convey supply to Ngala in northern Borno while the Danish Refugee Council do the appropriation for the benefit of UNWFP and consequently, the trucks assaulted may not have a place with some other office, but rather the WFP.

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